Creating Access for Artists and Community

ArtHouse creates and offers open access that advocates, contributes, and explores social engagement through art and cultural works regardless of socio-economic background.

ArtHouse is a home for international and domestic artists.

ArtHouse seeks an ongoing dialogue between community and professional artists in efforts to build sustainable connections.

Jacek Dylag

What artists are saying…

"My only solace and peace came through playing an instrument. I feel fortunate to live at the ArtHouse, where I share my music and give back to a city. I believe there is refuge in music and bringing performance/ concerts to others. It’s a way to enhance their lives and make our world better and more peaceful place where we can coexist in never-ending harmony. Building a community that is founded in music and arts will undoubtedly blossom into a place with a sense of camaraderie, friendship, cohesiveness, morals, work ethic, creativity and humanity like no other."

—Aleksandre, former ArtHouse artist-in-resident

(photog by Jacek Dylag)


What community members are saying…

It was a very individualistic thing, we were doing. But at the same time, social. Because we’re all doing it at the same time together. It was very easy to talk to people. Everyone was in a good space. It opened up a place to be together.”

- Eat, Love, Play participant



Support Socially-Engaged Artists

Access & Sharing

Diversity & Inclusion



Interactive Workshops

Cultural Exchange Program


Sister Alliances